
To provide you with just natural, organic products that not only work, but are good for you.

We want to spread awareness of the known harmful chemicals and potential dangers in many personal care products.  We want you to know just what you're putting on your body.

Definition of Just

adjective - based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
adverb    - exactly.

How We Got Started

Just was born out of a quest to find safe personal care products that work for our family.  We started to clean up our eating, the household chemicals we use, and it was only natural for us to start researching our personal care products too.  We were disturbed by the known dangers of "regular" deodorants\antiperspirants as well as many of the "natural" products out there.  We set out to make our own product that worked while being able to pronounce all of the ingredients we were using.

What we put on our body is just as important as what we put in it!  Parabens and aluminum in deodorant\antiperspirant, in part, are becoming increasingly suspect in regards to cancer and Alzheimers.  We turned our concern in to "Just".  It's just natural, organic ingredients.  The effectiveness is amazing; the feedback from family, friends, and consumers is what has driven us thus far.

Help spread Just products to as many as possible.

Blessings ~ Health